Mark D'Souza

2075 Bayview Ave · Toronto, ON M4N 3M5 · (416) 480-6100 x 67016 ·

I am a first year Medical Physics Resident at the University of Toronto based out of the Odette Cancer Centre.


University of Toronto

Clinical Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology

September 2023 - Present

Toronto Metropolitan University

Doctor of Philosophy
Biomedical Physics, CAMPEP accredited

GPA: 4.13/4.33

September 2018 - August 2023

University of Waterloo

Bachelor of Science
Honours Life Physics, Co-operative Program

GPA: 3.56/4.00

September 2013 - May 2018

Research Activities

Clinical translation of water calorimetry for absolute clinical dosimetry

Odette Cancer Centre

  • Summary: Currently water calorimeters are restricted to primary standard laboratories due to their size, extensive insulation requirements, and expertise to operate. We are designing and developing a water calorimeter that is suitablefor use in the clinical environment. Unlike existing clinical detectors, this water calorimeter will be able to measure absolute dose to water directly with minimal correction factors resulting in more accurate dose measurements.

September 2018 - Present

Absolute dose measurements in volumetric delivery methods

Odette Cancer Centre

  • Summary: To date, absolute dose measurements using water calorimetry in volumetric delivery methods (e.g Gamma Knife Icon/VMAT) have not been performed. Here, the beam is delivered from multiple angles around the patient to achieve highly conformal treatment plans. Our main goal is to optimize and design a water calorimeter that can be used in volumetric delivery methods in order to measure dose absolutely.

September 2018 - Present

Absolute determination of kQmag for an ionization chamber in an MR-integrated linac

Odette Cancer Centre

  • Summary: An ionization chambers response changes in MR‑integrated linacs due to the presence of a magnetic field. As such, additional corrections are required for dose measurements. We have designed a portable MR‑compatible water calorimeter that can measure dose absolutely in MR‑integrated linacs and be used to calibrate ionization chambers directly in these machines.

September 2018 - September 2020

Synthetic CT Generation

Odette Cancer Centre

  • Summary: Synthetic CTs (SCTs) are artificial CT images created from MR images that display the required electron density information for radiation therapy treatment plans. In this project a SCT algorithm was created that automatically converted T1 weighted MR images into SCTs using a combination of atlas, intensity based methods, and non-supervised machine learning.

May 2017 - August 2017


Graduate Teaching Assistant

Toronto Metropolitan University

  • Provided support for Physics Department courses through instruction, grading, and overseeing labs and tutorials: Physics I, Physics II, Physics: Mechanics, Nuclear Physics, Radiation Therapy for Undergraduate Students, Radiation Therapy for Graduate Students, Radiatioon Physics for Graduate Students (PCS 120, PCS 130, PCS 211, PCS 352, PCS 407, BP 8104, BP 8103)

September 2018 - August 2023

Research Assistant

Grand River Regional Hospital
  • Developed protocols for 3D-printing of patient boluses from radiation treatment planning system
  • Deployed central quality control database (QA Track +) to store QA results
  • Created program to compile QA data from different sources, check for errors, and submit to central database to ensure all data was accurately reported

April 2016 - August 2018

Harold E Johns Summer Student

Odette Cancer Centre
  • Developed program to automatically generate Synthetic CTs (SCTs) from MR images using unsupervised machine learning
  • Used Pinnacle to evaluate the fidelity of produced SCTs

May 2017 - August 2017

Tutoring and Learning Centre Coordinator

George Brown College
  • Created program in Python to gather and report key statistics on centre usage
  • Developed sign-in program to track hours worked by employees and automatically submit file to payroll biweekly
  • Lead peer review sessions on different mathematical topics

September 2016 - December 2016

Physics Technician

Grand River Hospital
  • Performed daily, weekly, and monthly quality assurance tests on Varian Clinac 21EX and TrueBeam linear accelerators as well as a Gulmay Superficial X-ray unit
  • Prepared written and verbal reports on progress made in projects
  • Used Python to develop program to QA patient data submitted to CCO and check for errors.

January 2016 - April 2016

Health Physics Research Assistant

Health Canada, Radiation Protection Bureau
  • Modelled ionizing radiation in humans using Monte Carlo methods
  • Modelled different types of radiation and detectors using MCNP to determine their efficiencies
  • Used CT Scans to create voxel phantoms for simulations
  • Operated and mantained 3D Printer to create lung set for LLNL Phantom

January 2016 - April 2016


Refereed papers
  1. D'Souza M, Nusrat H, Iakovenko V, Keller B, Sahgal A, Renaud J, Sarfehnia A. Water calorimetry in MR-linac: Direct measurement of absorbed dose and absolute determination of chamber kQmag. Med Phys. 2020.
  2. D'Souza M, Nusrat H, Renaud J, Peterson G, Sarfehnia A. First‐stage validation of a portable imageable MR‐compatible water calorimeter. Med Phys. 2020;47(10):5312-5323.


Conference talks
  1. D'Souza M*, Sarfehnia A. Towards Water Calorimetry in Complex Beams Using Novel 3D-Printed and Coated Vessel Cores, AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, USA, July 2023.
  2. D'Souza M*, Nusrat H, Renaud J, et al. Design and performance of an MR-compatible water calorimeter, IDOS, Vienna, Austria, June 2019.
  3. D'Souza M*, Nusrat H, Renaud J, et al. Construction and performance of an MR-compatible water calorimeter, MR in RT, Toronto, Canada, June 2019.
  1. D’Souza M*, Renaud J, Sarfehnia A. A Framework for Designing Glass Vessels Used in Water Calorimetry, COMP Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, September 2023.
  2. D’Souza M*, Sarfehnia A. Feasibility of Performing Volumetric Calorimeter Measurements Using a 3D‐Printed Vessel, AAPM Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, July 2022.
  3. D’Souza M*, Renaud J, Sarfehnia A. Finite element method analysis of parallel‐plate glass vessels for use in a water calorimeter under clinical photon and electron beams, COMP Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Canada, June 2022.
  4. D'Souza M*, Nusrat H, Iakovenko V, Renaud J, Sarfehnia A. Optimization and construction of a glass vessel and MR-Compatible water calorimeter for Use in clinical photon and electron Beams, AAPM Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, June 2020.
  5. D'Souza M*, Nusrat H, Renaud J, et al. Construction and evaluation of novel water calorimeter for use in an MR-linac, U of T DRO Research Day, Toronto, Canada, June 2019.
  6. D'Souza M*, Lee Y, Ruschin M, et al. Evaluation of novel method for automatic generation of synthetic-CT images, MR in RT, Utrecht, Netherlands, June 2018.

Awards & Certifications

Name Organization Value Location Year
Lab Teaching Assistant Award Toronto Metropolitan University, Department of Physics $100 Toronto, Ontario 2022
AAPM / RSNA Doctoral Fellowship American Association of Physicists in Medicine $10000 Alexandria, Virginia 2022
Ontario Graduate Scholarship Government of Ontario $15000 Toronto, Ontario 2022
Ontario Graduate Scholarship Government of Ontario $15000 Toronto, Ontario 2021
Sylvia Fedoruk Prize Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists $500 Ottawa, Ontario 2021
Ryerson Graduate Fellowship Ryerson University $8000 Toronto, Ontario 2020
Department of Physics award Ryerson University $1000 Toronto, Ontario 2020
Department of Physics Travel Award Ryerson University $1500 Toronto, Ontario 2019
Ryerson Graduate Fellowship Ryerson University $7000 Toronto, Ontario 2019
Department of Physics award Ryerson University $2500 Toronto, Ontario 2019
Ryerson Graduate Fellowship Ryerson University $10000 Toronto, Ontario 2018

Leadership/Committee Positions

AAPM, Global Research and Scientific Innovation Committee

Guest Member
January 2023 - Present

Toronto Metropolitan University, Physics Graduate Student Union

Faculty Liason
September 2022 - August 2023

Canadian Undergraduate Medical Physics Conference

Organizing Committee Member
June 2022 - September 2022

Toronto Metropolitan University, Physics Graduate Program Council

Graduate Student Representative
September 2021 - August 2022

Toronto Metropolitan University, Physics Graduate Student Union

PhD Representative
September 2021 - August 2022

Toronto Metropolitan University, Physics Graduate Student Union

MSc Representative
September 2019 - August 2020

Professional Affiliations

Canadian Association of Medical Physics

Student Member

August 2021 - Present

Medical Physics for World Benefit

Associate Member

August 2021 - Present

American Association of Physicists in Medicine

Student Member

July 2020 - Present

Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists

Student Member

July 2020 - Present


Programming Languages & Tools